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Who am I you ask?

I grew up in the Midwest to a small town hardworking family. My mother stayed at home to take care of my brother and me until we both were in grade school and then she went to work as a school cook.  

My parents worked hard and did the best they could do on what they made to give us a roof over our heads and food on the table.  I never dealt with Racism  as it was in the early forties and we only had one black family in our town.   My parents raised me to respect others

Taught me to Respect and be Accountable!

There were two major Ideals that my parents taught me when I was growing up.  Respect and Accountability.

They were pretty stern when it came to that.  They were a good Christian family and I spent a lot of Sunday’s going to Church with my mom.   

I was raised to  be respectful towards others and if I did something wrong, own up to it and be accountable for my actions regardless the price I had to pay.  Understanding Racism wasn’t part of my heart nor my vocabulary, I become good friends to the only Black family in out town  To this day I never see color in ones skin, and I love to provide a bridge to those to help them with their experiences.  

That's the reason for this website is to be a voice and to provide a path to being united.