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Ways to Bridge Race Culture and Ethnicity

RACE is usually determined by biology and observation. Most often it is identified externally, but it can also be self-identified as well.

CULTURE represents the non-biological or the social aspects of a human life. Anything expressed or learned by humans is culture.

ETHNICITY focuses not on physical traits, but rather on social traits. It often refers to a group’s common ancestry — connection to a distinctive shared past and culture. Common distinctive's of ethnicity are nationality, tribe, religious faith or shared language, culture or traditions.

Imagine we all are United

When the World Seems torn apart… Perhaps its time to get involved with your community. To better serve others who are less fortunate is rewarding.

Maybe you can forgive someone and tell someone that you love them. Start living your purpose and living a life you can truly feel good about…

Be  the change you want to see in the world.  

What can “WE”  do  to curb the pandemic of Racism

Not only do we face a Historical Pandemic of COVID-19, we also face a pandemic of manmade racism. There is no doubt at all it’s human-made and even so more with the presidential election lingering in the near future.  While COVID-19 is spread through the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pandemic of racism is the effects of what one might say is a delusional view of a group of people thinking they are better than other people who look different from them.

Ending racism should to everyone’s best interest and be better for the world we live in.  May it be our individual and or all of our collective task. It needs to be done before we more people get killed and we ruin our country.  As one can see, the effects of all the violence and riots is terrible but to some they think its ok to damage people’s property and steal because they are entitled.  

“Black Lives Matters Organizers of Chicago say Looting Is Ok Because It’s A Form Of ‘Reparations’ Until Police Are Abolished”. Please  click on the link below and read for your self.

Thinking this way is not the answer and doesn’t end racism.  It makes it even worse and what honestly does it say to those who get looted and to the business owner who loses everything.  That it is ok for someone to do that without being held accountable.  

Really???  This way of thinking is not the answer and should not have been the attitude taken by such a person to lead such an organization.  Its just hatred being spilled out to manifest it into something more than it should be.

STOP the Violence, END the destruction and focus on teaching people to be RESPECTFUL and to be ACCOUNTABLE for either person period. Doing so would have prevented many of the recent deaths by a Police officer or the act of resisting arrest by those caught doing something they shouldn't have.  It pains my heart that people cannot be respectful and or accountable for their own actions and to be very clear, “NO ONE” deserves to die either.  
