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Hello I am Accountable……

If everyone would take the time to really look at themselves and understand what being accountable is really about maybe there would be less violence and division in the world.

Accountability is the obligation to explain, justify, and or take responsibility for one’s actions. In a work place, it’s  the state of being accountable, meaning responsible for something or obligated to answer to someone, such as a person with more authority, like a boss.

It also used in the context of individuals, referring to personal accountability. Just as well is also used in the context of institutions or people that are responsible to the public, such as the government, its agencies, police, politicians and the media.

Accountability should be acted upon with full transparency and with consequences. Keeping people and organizations accountable is important and by making their actions visible and having consequences when those actions are not acceptable.  Thus the state of being accountable is accountability.

How so might you ask?  Well its pretty simple stuff, I believe if everyone was to take life more seriously and be more respectful towards others, for themselves and to be more accountable for their actions, there would be a lot less anger, division and craziness in the world we live in.  

If everyone would do the following, I feel we would be in a better place and perhaps when we looked at each other not to notice the color of ones skin but to see the heart of the person that it would make a difference.  Some of the ways we can be so much better are listed below:

Recognize and own up to your part of what is occurring

If your action is hurtful to someone, be more willing to examine how your interaction  may have been unhealthy or damaging to that other person

Don't blame others when your at fault

Don't make excuses for why things are happening

Don't shed off all blame onto someone else for what is your own doing.

When in disagreement with someone else, try to understand the other person's perspective even if you disagree 

Recognize what is happening in your world, your life and career is being actively shaped by other beliefs and actions

Who should be Accountable?  The Cops or the people rioting  and bashing the windows in with sludge hammers and creating damage to the city?  The say they are doing it in the name of George Floyd or someone else that was killed by a Police officer. Really?